Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Paws N' Claws Pet Clinic- The Pet Vet blog: TOP 7 DOG BREEDS FOR URBAN LIVING

Paws N' Claws Pet Clinic- The Pet Vet blog: TOP 7 DOG BREEDS FOR URBAN LIVING:               Owning a  dog is an awesome experience and life changing too. All dogs are not the same. We may like a dog but some constrai...


              Owning a  dog is an awesome experience and life changing too. All dogs are not the same. We may like a dog but some constraints belittle our choices. space is one critical issue in raising a dog.A pet lovers dilemma in urban living is how to choose pets for small spaces. 
             Here I  have analysed Top 7 dogs based on the critical factors like space, temperament, exercise requirement and grooming ( not in that order)

     A member of Bichon family, Maltese is a very happy, healthy and long living little dog, well adapted to urban living. It tends to bark and at times the temperament changes while playing with children. As they do not have undercoat they shed little or no hair shedding. So, its best suited for people who have allergies. But they are prone for dental diseases and tear staining problems.

  Its one of the world's best small breeds which are wise and with good temperament, Well adapted with children and in urban living. It requires regular grooming and shampooing to retain its silkiness.Like Maltese these breeds are also prone for dental diseases.
   Bichon frises are friendly and cuddly small pets which enjoys as much exercise as the owner provides. Its a companion breed and do not moult ( shedding of hairs) as they are bred to be hypo allergenic. They are prone for liver shunts and auto immune hemolytic diseseas.

     This small spaniel is an admirable choice of most people as a family pet as its good temperament and quickly adapt to any environment and location. It enjoys a fair amount of exercise. As spaniels are hunting dogs they have the natural instinct to chase things. Its prone for cardiac diseases like mitral valve disorders..
      Remember "snoopy "of "Peanuts"?? Beagles are most popular breeds and are choice of British royals because of its small size and calm temperament . They bond with everyone in the family especially with children. This scent hound breeds are astoundingly intelligent and so they are good watch dogs. They are prone for orthopaedic and ophthalmic diseases like hip dysplasia, cherry eye etc.

      This is a medium sized gentle, admirable dog which makes a delightful pet. But they are categorised as one of the least intelligent dog breeds related to obedience training. These Brachycephalic dogs need much care during summer as they are prone for heat strokes. Due to its skin folds they acquire dermatological problems too.
      Pug is a cheerful, intelligent dog, popularized by a network company. It needs modest exercise due to its small size. Like bull dogs this Brachycephalic breed also need to be taken care in hot weather. They are susceptible to ophthalmic and respiratory disorders.

             As discussed above,these are the best dogs suited for limited space urban living. Some dog breeds even small breeds should be avoided as pets in apartment/gated community life style either due to hair shedding, bad temperament, requiring lot of moving space and vigorous execise. They are Rottweiler, Chihuahua, Dalmatian, Pit bull Terrier and Doberman.                                                                                                                               
The above list is suggestive only. But before selecting a pet its advised to contact your veterinarian to get a professional guidance .