Sunday, 14 January 2018

Paws N' Claws Pet Clinic- The Pet Vet blog: FACTS ABOUT DOGS

Paws N' Claws Pet Clinic- The Pet Vet blog: FACTS ABOUT DOGS: Dogs  was one of the first animals to be domesticated by humans. All dogs are direct descendants of wolves. An adult dog has 42 teeth. ...

Paws N' Claws Pet Clinic- The Pet Vet blog: WINTER CARE TIPS FOR DOGS.

Paws N' Claws Pet Clinic- The Pet Vet blog: WINTER CARE TIPS FOR DOGS.:        Winter is here and we need to pay close attention to the weather and to our pets. Here are some tip s to help ensure your pets safe...

Paws N' Claws Pet Clinic- The Pet Vet blog: WHAT TO FEED YOUR PET DOG?

Paws N' Claws Pet Clinic- The Pet Vet blog: WHAT TO FEED YOUR PET DOG?:         whenever a pet lover or the one who owns a pet approaches me, the first thing they ask  is what to feed a dog and when to feed and ...


Paws N' Claws Pet Clinic- The Pet Vet blog: ARE ALSATIANS AND GERMAN SHEPHERDS THE SAME?:              Among many of  the pet owners there is always a confusion whether  Alsatian and German shepherds belong to a same breed or ...

Paws N' Claws Pet Clinic- The Pet Vet blog: HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR PET DOG

Paws N' Claws Pet Clinic- The Pet Vet blog: HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR PET DOG:       When you decide to get a pet dog there is always a concern about how to choose a perfect pet for your family. Here are some of the su...


     When you decide to get a pet dog there is always a concern about how to choose a perfect pet for your family. Here are some of the suggestions for choosing a right pet dog.
     Select your new dog which suits your family , lifestyle and living situation. Consider its temperament, size and coat as well. Consult your veterinarian before you acquire a pet of any kind.

      The recognized breeds are grouped into 7 categories, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy breeds,  Sporting,  Non-sporting and Herding breeds.
       India is a tropical country with hot weather most of the year round with short duration of winters and monsoons.Keeping the climatic conditions in mind the dog breeds which suits well for Indian climate must be preferred.Your vet and dog shows are excellent sources of information about individual breed characteristics.
       Opting a puppy born of pedigreed and kennel club registered parents is a wise decision as you get to know the ultimate size, shape and temperament of the dog.
       While buying a registered puppy, collect the registration certificate, microchip, transfer of registration form duly signed by the breeder, which is issued by the kennel club of India KCI with its headquarters at Chennai.

          6 to 10 wks is considered an ideal age to acquaint a puppy with its new home. Select a puppy that is active, friendly and inquisitive. While buying the puppy enquire the breeder about the details of vaccination and de worming done ,so that it will be useful for you to continue it. Before bringing home your puppy, his place of living should be decided in advance.The place should be comfortable in summer & winter months. The first time he arrives home, make him feel comfortable. It is the start of the relationship.

Friday, 12 January 2018


       Among many of  the pet owners there is always a confusion whether  Alsatian and German shepherds belong to a same breed or a different breed. when we look  into the history of German shepherds , we found many interesting facts about how the original name had been changed and how the breed got it back..

     German shepherds was originated in Germany in 1899, as part of herding group. The breed was named as Deutscher Schaferhund meaning "German shepherd dog". It is abbreviated as GSD. It was so named due to its purpose of assisting shepherds in herding and protecting sheep.

       After the conclusion of world war 1, due to the anti- German sentiments of the era, the breed was officially renamed by the UK kennel club to 'Alsatian wolf dog'.
      Alsace is a historical region in north eastern France bordering Germany and Switzerland. The predominant language of Alsace is Alsatian ,  and so the breed was named as "Alsatian wolf dog".
     But many breeders were worried that the name "wolf dog hybrid" would affect the breeds popularity and legality and so the name "wolf dog" was dropped and "Alsatian" remained for nearly five decades.
      In 1977 many dog enthusiast successfully campaigned about the original name of the Alsatian among the people and the UK Kennel club allowed the breeds to get registered again in the name of German shepherds. But AKC went back using the original name of German shepherd dogs in 1931. The word Alsatian was completely removed in 2010.

     German shepherds are medium to large sized dogs. The standard height of male is 60 -65 cms and for females it is 55-60 cms. They live upto 12 to 13 years. They have a two layered coat and the coat has two variants- medium and long. The coat colour includes Black & Tan, Black& Red, Black &Silver, Blue,Gray, Liver, Black, Sable and White. AKC doesn't recognize white as a colour of this breed.
      They are preferred around the world for many types of work like disability assistance, search and rescue operations, police, military etc. They are loyal, intelligent, obedient, courageous, watchful, alert and confident.
     German shepherds are the second most popular dog breeds by registration world wide.